
Just a brief update...

I got my first rejection letter!  I know, I know.  You're all very proud of me.  Well, I'm proud of myself as well.

Truth is, I didn't expect my first submission would be a success, and the critique offered was justified.  To be transparent, I identified the objections raised before I ever thought about sending my game off for publication.

But, the gentleman who I corresponded with could not have been more courteous and encouraging.  My supervisor at my actual job described the letter as "The nicest kick in the nuts" he'd ever read.  I'm heading to the next company with my game, so we'll see.

Again, in the interest of honesty (since this is my blog after all), I may never get this game published and that'd be okay with me.  I'm learning about how the process works, how the industry works, and just trying to keep my head up.  I've never tried to get published before, so this is a big step up from just playing with friends and then shelving the present game when I make a new one.

When I have more time, I will go a little deeper into what might be between me and publication.

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