
Prototyping Skatepark Legends

I have been working (whenever I can steal a free minute) on a new project for the Time Challenge contest on TheGameCrafter.

While not all of the features are fully realized yet, I am pleased to share a look at the current prototype. I think I would go as far as saying this probably marks the turn from alpha to beta.
Prototype Board with Papercraft models!
The basic gameplay is a risk/reward mechanic, where players must manage their speed and movement efficiently, while still throwing down the most challenging tricks they think they can pull off.

Only one player is active at a time, and I may address that in a formalized way, but I want to see if the social component of the game (i.e. watching your friend's run, cheering them on, trying to talk them into risky tricks, etc.) are compelling enough to leave it alone. I suspect it might be... I hope so, honestly, because that keeps it more in line with the spirit of competitive skating.

As an aside: you'll notice I've included little "papercraft" models. They are purely ornamental, and do not change game play - but they sure make the board look cool. I plan on shipping the game with the templates in the box on nice glossy paper for folks to make their own.

I heard quite a bit of skepticism about papercraft components when I pitched the idea to some peers - principally because of how fragile they would be. But I designed them with durability in mind, and because of their small size, they've stood up pretty well so far.

And of course, downloads of the template will be available, so the models will be inexpensive to replace, if need be.

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